Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Welcome to the Party!

Never really been good at introductions, but I guess I should start with hello and welcome to RandomThing's Nerd Sanctum! A place where nerds can roam free, and interact with other nerds. Where nerdiness is not shunned, but promoted.

Seriously though, my purpose here is to discuss and share all things nerdy. From the video gaming industry to anime and technology I do it all. I do enjoy writing short stories from time to time, so be prepared to maybe see a little bit of that as well. So, yeah. That's about it. Don't forget to have fun here, and let me know if there's any thing you would like to see discussed. I'll try to update as consistently as possible, but not making any promises. I'm thinking every Friday? That should work.


We here at RandomThing's Nerd Sanctum know you have many choices in blog, and we thank you for choosing us. Please fly with us again some time!

Do come again, I guarantee if your a nerd you'll be nerdgasming all over the place. 

Thanks and welcome to the party,


PS. This is my icon for practically everything, so is the user Randomthing34. So if you have a YouTube,League of Legends, Anime Planet, etc. look it up if you want.

PSS. *Sneak Peek*  My first real post will be a Legend of Zelda entry, be on the look out!

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